Well, in a roundabout way, they do. My wife and I have always had pretty extensive flower beds and gardens - mostly perennials. She's always loved gardening, and I followed along after we got married. The way I figure it, the garden is still an important part of the ecosystem, so it's really only a step or two away from the aquatic ecosystem I love so much. We plant to attract hummingbirds and butterflies, as well as multitude of other birds.
Today, when I was moaning about not having anything fresh to post on my blog, she said "Why don't you put up some of the garden pictures you took? They're colorful and will remind everyone that spring WILL come, eventually." We all know that, in the long run, it's better to follow our advice from our wives. So, here are some pics from our garden. Hope you like them.
Columbine, hostas, and the stone rabbit
Vibrant lillies
Overflowing planter
Flowering tree in the front yard
a Hummingbird moth on the butterfly bush
Monarch butterfly

One of the resident toads