Photo by Adrian Jones
(For this post, I'm following the suggestion of the OBN prompt regarding Bucket Lists. Since I've spent all my free time doing OBN stuff anyway - and, consequently, not fishing - I have nothing else to write about!!)
Kari Murray, the author of I Don't Wear Pink Camo in the Woods, wrote up her Bucket List last winter and published it on her blog. I've been meaning to do the same, but it just never rose high enough in the mental "to-do" list. I would imagine that's what happens to a lot of Bucket Lists. But, I like the idea of publicly putting out the list of goals, and knocking them off as they occur. As an added plus, by writing them down and making them public, there amay be people out there who can help you facilitate those goals. Of course, this Bucket List will involve only outdoor-related stuff.
Let me begin by pointing out that I HAVE NOT been short-changed in any way, shape, or form with regard to opportunites to pursue my outdoor passions. Traveling for business has afforded me many opportunities others only dream about, and I don't lose sight of the fortunate hand I've been dealt. I also don't apologize for it. It simply is what it is. But I still have a mental list of things I want to do before my time is up. So, without further ado - my Bucket List
1) Visit / fish Alaska
2) See the Northern Lights
3) Catch a Golden Trout on a fly in a stream in California.
4) Catch a pike over 50"
5) Fish the Amazon for peacock bass.
5a) Catch Golden Dorado on the same trip
6) Do a productive fishing trip with my Dad and son.
(We've had one unproductive one so far)
7) Catch a fish in all 50 states - see the list at the right of this post.
8) Catch a good (> 40") musky, on purpose
9) Trek in Nepal
10) Flyfish for brook trout in Labrador
11) Fish the Seychelles
Some of these are never going to happen (unless the Lottery gods smile upon me), some are quite do-able. Of course , I'll take all the help I can get to accomplish these goals. So, if you have a condo in the Seychelles that you're not using for a few weeks and you need someone to look after it - let me know!!