I hooked one nice largemouth but didn't bring it to hand. No bluegills. No crappie. No walleye. No trout. No catfish.
The weather here has been very cold over night, but I figured something would bite. Something ALWAYS bites here. Not today. Remember - this is the place that I go to over lunch and often bring 10-20 fish of mixed species to hand. I crimp down the barbs on my hooks just so I can shake off the trout and not have to land them and have them thrash around.
Maybe I was getting a little too cocky with these fish - the fishing gods have a way of getting even with us when we do. Or maybe, as I look back on it, it's just the way fishing is. And it's why we keep coming back - to try to figure these critters with the pea-sized brains. Well, today the pea brains kicked my butt.
But I'm planning on going back after them as the water warms.
And I WILL remember this day, because I din't like to get blanked!
I did remember my camera today, and got a few pictures. One I like one in particular. I hope you enjoy them.
Emerging may apples - spring is here!
A sapling gnawed off by a beaver
Great contrasting color
Hi Joe. I think you're right about being too cocky. Notice I mentioned the same thing in the last post about Rancho Seco Lake. Those darn fish gods will get you every time.
Ah the best laid plans of mice n men......
Hi Wolfy - Just lamenting with you with this comment. As I often like to say, "Sometimes the fish win"!
Never really know what those fish are thinking. Maybe they're just stuffed full of goodies, and the next time you get there they'll be an inch bigger apiece.
I'm betting you'll clobber 'em when it warms up again.
We've all been skunked before. It'll turn around. You're a little ahead of us with may apples already.
Well I guess that's why it's called fishing and not catching. Better than a good day at work though.
Tight lines
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